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Los Angeles Philharmonic & John Adams: John Adams: Girls Of The Golden West - 2CD

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Běžná cena:
629 Kč
80 Kč (13 %)
Skladem (2ks)
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Popis produktu

Opera o dvou dějstvích s hudbou Johna Adamse a libretem Petera Sellerse v podání filharmoniků z Los Angeles.



1. Girls of the Golden West, Act I Scene 1: It was a driving, vigorous, restless population [08:56]

2. Girls of the Golden West, Act I Scene 1: Wagon Ride – Ned Peters was a hustler [05:06]

3. Girls of the Golden West, Act I Scene 2: My name is Joe [11:01]

4. Girls of the Golden West, Act I Scene 2: Now he consoles himself [02:36]

5. Girls of the Golden West, Act I Scene 3: A gambler’s life I do admire [10:49]

6. Girls of the Golden West, Act I Scene 3: Josefa, you remember [04:14]

7. Girls of the Golden West, Act I Scene 4: It's bone, it’s backbone [12:20]

8. Girls of the Golden West, Act I Scene 4: Comin' up from Red Dog [03:29]


1. Girls of the Golden West, Act II Scene 1: The Raven [05:08]

2. Girls of the Golden West, Act II Scene 2: The attack on the Mexicans [11:04]

3. Girls of the Golden West, Act II Scene 3: It seems like midnight [07:59]

4. Girls of the Golden West, Act II Scene 3: What is this celebration to me? [06:57] 5. Girls of the Golden West, Act II Scene 4: This very nearly was the cause [02:45]

6. Girls of the Golden West, Act II Scene 4: Ven esta noche [03:02]

7. Girls of the Golden West, Act II Scene 4: Blessed and praised [0:59]

8. Girls of the Golden West, Act II Scene 4: I'm going far away from my creditors [08:54]

9. Girls of the Golden West, Act II Scene 5: The Downieville mob [05:40]

10. Girls of the Golden West, Act II Scene 5: Tú me quieres alba [06:11]

11. Girls of the Golden West, Act II Scene 5: It's four long years (Lousy Miner) [04:37]

12. Girls of the Golden West, Act II Epilogue: Sometimes I lounge forlornly to the window [04:51]

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